Imalytics Preclinical Software
Enhance Research Efficiency with Comprehensive Analytical Tools
- Ready-to-use workflows
- Increased reproducibility
- Efficient image analysis
Powerful Platform Independent Software
- Leverage the fastest GPU processing on powerful workstatioins or benefit from high compatibility for image analysis on any device
- Available for Windows, MacOS, Linux, or over the Cloud on a powerful remote workstation
- Affordable and scalable licensing schemes
Evaluate System Performance with Automated Phantom Analysis
- Automated analysis for compatible Phantech phantoms within seconds
- Assessment for homogeneity, resolution, noise and fusion accuracy
- Daily Quality control
Details of the software are described in this publication:
F. Gremse, et al., “Imalytics Preclinical: Interactive Analysis of Biomedical Volume Data,” Theranostics, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 328–341, 2016.
For further information, you can check out our Flyer Imalytics Preclinical
Imalytics Preclinical version 3.1.2
To get the new installer for our latest version please send an eMail to:
3.1.3 including AI tool is coming soon!